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Provides an Amazon Managed Image.


EC2 running on Ubuntu 20.04

  • Find the Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS image running on x86_64.
  • Provides the image as an EC2 dependency.
exports.createResources = () => [
type: "Image",
group: "EC2",
name: "eip",
readOnly: true,
properties: () => ({
Filters: [
Name: "architecture",
Values: ["x86_64"],
Name: "description",
Values: ["Canonical, Ubuntu, 20.04 LTS, amd64 focal*"],

Amazon Linux 2

Here is the Amazone Linux 2 image:

exports.createResources = () => [
type: "Image",
group: "EC2",
name: "eip",
readOnly: true,
properties: () => ({
Filters: [
Name: "architecture",
Values: ["x86_64"],
Name: "description",
Values: ["Amazon Linux 2 AMI *"],


The list of properties can be found in DescribeImagesCommandInput


Used By


List all of the images with the Image filter:

gc l -t Image
Listing resources on 1 provider: aws
✓ aws
✓ Initialising
✓ Listing 1/1
│ 1 Image from aws │
│ Name │ Data │ Our │
│ ami-0945843162c83c351 │ Architecture: x86_64 │ NO │
│ │ CreationDate: 2020-12-04T00:11:02.000Z │ │
│ │ ImageId: ami-0945843162c83c351 │ │
│ │ ImageLocation: aws-marketplace/Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS-bc9ee367-938c-4032-b2… │ │
│ │ ImageType: machine │ │
│ │ Public: true │ │
│ │ OwnerId: 679593333241 │ │
│ │ PlatformDetails: Linux/UNIX │ │
│ │ UsageOperation: RunInstances │ │
│ │ ProductCodes: │ │
│ │ - ProductCodeId: b6066zavuglx3tvu52d5ikod2 │ │
│ │ ProductCodeType: marketplace │ │
│ │ State: available │ │
│ │ BlockDeviceMappings: │ │
│ │ - DeviceName: /dev/sda1 │ │
│ │ Ebs: │ │
│ │ DeleteOnTermination: true │ │
│ │ SnapshotId: snap-02571452446eabf30 │ │
│ │ VolumeSize: 8 │ │
│ │ VolumeType: gp2 │ │
│ │ Encrypted: false │ │
│ │ Description: Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS │ │
│ │ EnaSupport: true │ │
│ │ Hypervisor: xen │ │
│ │ ImageOwnerAlias: aws-marketplace │ │
│ │ Name: Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS-bc9ee367-938c-4032-b257-5dd4abfe8e56-ami-0d86f… │ │
│ │ RootDeviceName: /dev/sda1 │ │
│ │ RootDeviceType: ebs │ │
│ │ SriovNetSupport: simple │ │
│ │ Tags: [] │ │
│ │ VirtualizationType: hvm │ │
│ │ │ │

List Summary:
Provider: aws
│ aws │
│ Image │ ami-0945843162c83c351 │
1 resource, 1 type, 1 provider
Command "gc l -t Image" executed in 2s


You can fiddle the filters with the aws cli as well:

aws ec2 describe-images --filters "Name=description,Values=Amazon Linux 2 AMI*" "Name=architecture,Values=x86_64"