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Manages an EC2 instance resource, a.k.a virtual machine.

exports.createResources = () => [
type: "Instance",
group: "EC2",
name: "web-server-ec2-vpc",
properties: ({ config }) => ({
InstanceType: "t2.micro",
ImageId: "ami-02e136e904f3da870",
"#!/bin/bash\necho \"Mounting /dev/xvdf\"\nwhile ! ls /dev/xvdf > /dev/null\ndo \n sleep 1\ndone\nif [ `file -s /dev/xvdf | cut -d ' ' -f 2` = 'data' ]\nthen\n echo \"Formatting /dev/xvdf\"\n mkfs.xfs /dev/xvdf\nfi\nmkdir -p /data\nmount /dev/xvdf /data\necho /dev/xvdf /data defaults,nofail 0 2 >> /etc/fstab\n",
Placement: {
AvailabilityZone: `${config.region}a`,
dependencies: () => ({
subnet: "subnet",
keyPair: "kp-ec2-vpc",
eip: "myip",
securityGroups: ["security-group"],
volumes: ["volume"],




Used By


There are 2 kind of update depending on the attribute to modify:

  • Stop and Start: The instance is stopped, the attribute is changed, the instance is started.
  • Destroy and Create: The instance is destroyed and created with the new attributes.
AttributeDescriptionUpdate Kind
ImageIdThe Amazon Managed Image IdDestroy & Create
InstanceTypeThe Instance TypeStop & Start


Lsit all the ec2 instances with the Instance type:

gc list -t Instance
Listing resources on 1 provider: aws
✓ aws
✓ Initialising
✓ Listing 2/2
│ 1 EC2::Instance from aws │
│ name: web-server-ec2-vpc │
│ managedByUs: Yes │
│ live: │
│ AmiLaunchIndex: 0 │
│ ImageId: ami-02e136e904f3da870 │
│ InstanceId: i-0f236430dd1c15b07 │
│ InstanceType: t2.micro │
│ KeyName: kp-ec2-vpc │
│ LaunchTime: 2022-05-08T21:32:53.000Z │
│ Monitoring: │
│ State: disabled │
│ Placement: │
│ AvailabilityZone: us-east-1a │
│ GroupName: │
│ Tenancy: default │
│ PrivateDnsName: ip-10-1-0-85.ec2.internal │
│ PrivateIpAddress: │
│ ProductCodes: [] │
│ PublicDnsName: │
│ PublicIpAddress: │
│ State: │
│ Code: 16 │
│ Name: running │
│ StateTransitionReason: │
│ SubnetId: subnet-034c959cf24d3e1c3 │
│ VpcId: vpc-00ae007b28e4442da │
│ Architecture: x86_64 │
│ BlockDeviceMappings: │
│ - DeviceName: /dev/xvda │
│ Ebs: │
│ AttachTime: 2022-05-08T21:32:54.000Z │
│ DeleteOnTermination: true │
│ Status: attached │
│ VolumeId: vol-08354bd10768baf85 │
│ - DeviceName: /dev/sdf │
│ Ebs: │
│ AttachTime: 2022-05-08T21:33:36.000Z │
│ DeleteOnTermination: false │
│ Status: attached │
│ VolumeId: vol-0ee2c386eb698a709 │
│ ClientToken: b16ad466-702f-49ce-97a0-75ddd50c7356 │
│ EbsOptimized: false │
│ EnaSupport: true │
│ Hypervisor: xen │
│ NetworkInterfaces: │
│ - Association: │
│ IpOwnerId: 840541460064 │
│ PublicDnsName: │
│ PublicIp: │
│ Attachment: │
│ AttachTime: 2022-05-08T21:32:53.000Z │
│ AttachmentId: eni-attach-0c325297c93dde25f │
│ DeleteOnTermination: true │
│ DeviceIndex: 0 │
│ Status: attached │
│ NetworkCardIndex: 0 │
│ Description: │
│ Groups: │
│ - GroupName: security-group │
│ GroupId: sg-06ff67cc5474ec7c7 │
│ Ipv6Addresses: [] │
│ MacAddress: 0a:a8:bd:fa:21:55 │
│ NetworkInterfaceId: eni-09f268c1e60b38336 │
│ OwnerId: 840541460064 │
│ PrivateIpAddress: │
│ PrivateIpAddresses: │
│ - Association: │
│ IpOwnerId: 840541460064 │
│ PublicDnsName: │
│ PublicIp: │
│ Primary: true │
│ PrivateIpAddress: │
│ SourceDestCheck: true │
│ Status: in-use │
│ SubnetId: subnet-034c959cf24d3e1c3 │
│ VpcId: vpc-00ae007b28e4442da │
│ InterfaceType: interface │
│ RootDeviceName: /dev/xvda │
│ RootDeviceType: ebs │
│ SecurityGroups: │
│ - GroupName: security-group │
│ GroupId: sg-06ff67cc5474ec7c7 │
│ SourceDestCheck: true │
│ Tags: │
│ - Key: gc-created-by-provider │
│ Value: aws │
│ - Key: gc-managed-by │
│ Value: grucloud │
│ - Key: gc-project-name │
│ Value: @grucloud/example-aws-ec2-vpc │
│ - Key: gc-stage │
│ Value: dev │
│ - Key: Name │
│ Value: web-server-ec2-vpc │
│ VirtualizationType: hvm │
│ CpuOptions: │
│ CoreCount: 1 │
│ ThreadsPerCore: 1 │
│ CapacityReservationSpecification: │
│ CapacityReservationPreference: open │
│ HibernationOptions: │
│ Configured: false │
│ MetadataOptions: │
│ State: applied │
│ HttpTokens: optional │
│ HttpPutResponseHopLimit: 1 │
│ HttpEndpoint: enabled │
│ HttpProtocolIpv6: disabled │
│ InstanceMetadataTags: disabled │
│ EnclaveOptions: │
│ Enabled: false │
│ PlatformDetails: Linux/UNIX │
│ UsageOperation: RunInstances │
│ UsageOperationUpdateTime: 2022-05-08T21:32:53.000Z │
│ PrivateDnsNameOptions: │
│ HostnameType: ip-name │
│ EnableResourceNameDnsARecord: false │
│ EnableResourceNameDnsAAAARecord: false │
│ MaintenanceOptions: │
│ AutoRecovery: default │
│ Image: │
│ Description: Amazon Linux 2 AMI 2.0.20211001.1 x86_64 HVM gp2 │
│ UserData: #!/bin/bash │
│ echo "Mounting /dev/xvdf" │
│ while ! ls /dev/xvdf > /dev/null │
│ do │
│ sleep 1 │
│ done │
│ if [ `file -s /dev/xvdf | cut -d ' ' -f 2` = 'data' ] │
│ then │
│ echo "Formatting /dev/xvdf" │
│ mkfs.xfs /dev/xvdf │
│ fi │
│ mkdir -p /data │
│ mount /dev/xvdf /data │
│ echo /dev/xvdf /data defaults,nofail 0 2 >> /etc/fstab │
│ │
│ │

List Summary:
Provider: aws
│ aws │
│ EC2::Instance │ web-server-ec2-vpc │
1 resource, 1 type, 1 provider
Command "gc l -t Instance" executed in 5s, 182 MB