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Manages an Api Gateway V2 API.

Sample code

exports.createResources = () => [
type: "Api",
group: "ApiGatewayV2",
properties: ({}) => ({
Name: "my-api",
ProtocolType: "HTTP",
ApiKeySelectionExpression: "$request.header.x-api-key",
DisableExecuteApiEndpoint: false,
RouteSelectionExpression: "$request.method $request.path",


Used By

Full Examples


The Apis can be filtered with the Api type:

gc l -t ApiGatewayV2::Api
Listing resources on 1 provider: aws
✓ aws
✓ Initialising
✓ Listing 1/1
│ 1 ApiGatewayV2::Api from aws │
│ name: my-api │
│ managedByUs: Yes │
│ live: │
│ ApiEndpoint: │
│ ApiId: 7a38wlw431 │
│ ApiKeySelectionExpression: $request.header.x-api-key │
│ CreatedDate: 2021-10-14T17:37:14.000Z │
│ DisableExecuteApiEndpoint: false │
│ Name: my-api │
│ ProtocolType: HTTP │
│ RouteSelectionExpression: $request.method $request.path │
│ Tags: │
│ gc-managed-by: grucloud │
│ gc-project-name: @grucloud/example-aws-api-gateway-lambda │
│ gc-stage: dev │
│ gc-created-by-provider: aws │
│ Name: my-api │
│ │

List Summary:
Provider: aws
│ aws │
│ ApiGatewayV2::Api │ my-api │
1 resource, 1 type, 1 provider
Command "gc l -t ApiGatewayV2::Api" executed in 3s