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Manage a System Manager Document.


Create a document:

exports.createResources = () => [
type: "Document",
group: "SSM",
properties: ({}) => ({
Content: {
schemaVersion: "0.3",
description: "Automation document for the invoking a lambda function",
parameters: {
SortKeyInput: {
type: "String",
PartitonKeyInput: {
type: "String",
DocumentInputTableName: {
type: "String",
mainSteps: [
inputs: {
FunctionName: "sam-app-LambdaFunction-QDYroyPbEfQ2",
'{\n "ssm_automation_parameters":\n {\n "table_name": "{{DocumentInputTableName}}",\n "partition_key_input": "{{PartitonKeyInput}}",\n "sort_key_input":"{{SortKeyInput}}"\n }\n}\n',
name: "lambda_invoke",
action: "aws:invokeLambdaFunction",
onFailure: "Abort",
DocumentType: "Automation",
Name: "sam-app-SsmAutomationDocument-FSUirGoJvvgN",
dependencies: ({}) => ({
role: "sam-app-AutomationExecutionRole-1AG1YFJPV5DRK",

Code Examples




gc l -t SSM::Document
Listing resources on 1 provider: aws
✓ aws us-east-1
✓ Initialising
✓ Listing 1/1
│ 1 SSM::Document from aws │
│ name: sam-app-SsmAutomationDocument-FSUirGoJvvgN │
│ managedByUs: Yes │
│ live: │
│ Content: │
│ schemaVersion: 0.3 │
│ description: Automation document for the invoking a lambda function │
│ assumeRole: arn:aws:iam::840541460064:role/sam-app-AutomationExecutionRole-1AG1YFJPV5DRK │
│ parameters: │
│ SortKeyInput: │
│ type: String │
│ PartitonKeyInput: │
│ type: String │
│ DocumentInputTableName: │
│ type: String │
│ mainSteps: │
│ - inputs: │
│ FunctionName: sam-app-LambdaFunction-QDYroyPbEfQ2 │
│ Payload: { │
│ "ssm_automation_parameters": │
│ { │
│ "table_name": "{{DocumentInputTableName}}", │
│ "partition_key_input": "{{PartitonKeyInput}}", │
│ "sort_key_input":"{{SortKeyInput}}" │
│ } │
│ } │
│ │
│ name: lambda_invoke │
│ action: aws:invokeLambdaFunction │
│ onFailure: Abort │
│ CreatedDate: 2022-08-08T20:00:54.102Z │
│ DocumentFormat: JSON │
│ DocumentType: Automation │
│ DocumentVersion: 1 │
│ Name: sam-app-SsmAutomationDocument-FSUirGoJvvgN │
│ Tags: │
│ - Key: gc-created-by-provider │
│ Value: aws │
│ - Key: gc-managed-by │
│ Value: grucloud │
│ - Key: gc-project-name │
│ Value: systems-manager-automation-to-lambda │
│ - Key: gc-stage │
│ Value: dev │
│ - Key: Name │
│ Value: sam-app-SsmAutomationDocument-FSUirGoJvvgN │
│ │

List Summary:
Provider: aws
│ aws │
│ SSM::Document │ sam-app-SsmAutomationDocument-FSUirGoJvvgN │
1 resource, 1 type, 1 provider
Command "gc l -t Document" executed in 4s, 110 MB