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Provides an Lambda Function


Create a Lambda Function

exports.createResources = () => [
type: "Role",
group: "IAM",
name: "lambda-role",
properties: ({}) => ({
Path: "/",
AssumeRolePolicyDocument: {
Version: "2012-10-17",
Statement: [
Sid: "",
Effect: "Allow",
Principal: {
Service: "",
Action: "sts:AssumeRole",
dependencies: () => ({
policies: ["lambda-policy"],
type: "Policy",
group: "IAM",
name: "lambda-policy",
properties: ({}) => ({
PolicyDocument: {
Version: "2012-10-17",
Statement: [
Action: ["logs:*"],
Effect: "Allow",
Resource: "*",
Action: ["sqs:*"],
Effect: "Allow",
Resource: "*",
Path: "/",
Description: "Allow logs",
type: "Function",
group: "Lambda",
properties: ({}) => ({
Configuration: {
FunctionName: "lambda-hello-world",
Handler: "helloworld.handler",
Runtime: "nodejs14.x",
dependencies: () => ({
role: "lambda-role",

Source Code Examples



Used By


The list of functions can be displayed and filtered with the type Function:

gc list -t Function
│ 2 Lambda::Function from aws │
│ name: LambdaLayerXRayStackStack-BucketNotificationsHandl-1XcDZ1… │
│ managedByUs: Yes │
│ live: │
│ Configuration: │
│ Architectures: │
│ - "x86_64" │
│ CodeSha256: hzxBwXE8vF5htCF3abiYzTqjRnM2KRxbveRsojrrXhs= │
│ CodeSize: 1337 │
│ Description: AWS CloudFormation handler for "Custom::S3Buck… │
│ EphemeralStorage: │
│ Size: 512 │
│ FunctionArn: arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:840541460064:function… │
│ FunctionName: LambdaLayerXRayStackStack-BucketNotifications… │
│ Handler: index.handler │
│ LastModified: 2022-04-17T18:32:29.881+0000 │
│ LastUpdateStatus: Successful │
│ MemorySize: 128 │
│ PackageType: Zip │
│ RevisionId: fee4d397-44a6-4dfe-b070-9b0c8204d012 │
│ Role: arn:aws:iam::840541460064:role/LambdaLayerXRayStackSt… │
│ Runtime: python3.7 │
│ State: Active │
│ Timeout: 300 │
│ TracingConfig: │
│ Mode: PassThrough │
│ Version: $LATEST │
│ Code: │
│ Location:… │
│ RepositoryType: S3 │
│ Tags: │
│ aws:cloudformation:stack-name: LambdaLayerXRayStackStack │
│ gc-project-name: xray-lambdalayers-cdk-python │
│ aws:cloudformation:stack-id: arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east… │
│ aws:cloudformation:logical-id: BucketNotificationsHandler05… │
│ gc-managed-by: grucloud │
│ gc-stage: dev │
│ gc-created-by-provider: aws │
│ Name: LambdaLayerXRayStackStack-BucketNotificationsHandl-1X… │
│ │