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Elastic Ip Address

Provides an Elastic Ip Address to be associated to an EC2 instance

exports.createResources = () => [
type: "ElasticIpAddress",
group: "EC2",
name: "eip",
properties: ({}) => ({
Tags: [
Key: "mykey",
Value: "myvalue",



Used By


List only the elastic IP address with the ElasticIpAddress filter:

gc l -t ElasticIpAddress
Listing resources on 1 provider: aws
✓ aws
✓ Initialising
✓ Listing 2/2
│ 1 EC2::ElasticIpAddress from aws │
│ name: eip │
│ managedByUs: Yes │
│ live: │
│ InstanceId: i-079dbd606096303f2 │
│ PublicIp: │
│ AllocationId: eipalloc-0993474ac0c7bf743 │
│ AssociationId: eipassoc-0faab88f5a5103704 │
│ Domain: vpc │
│ NetworkInterfaceId: eni-092b69907be24f463 │
│ NetworkInterfaceOwnerId: 840541460064 │
│ PrivateIpAddress: │
│ Tags: │
│ - Key: gc-created-by-provider │
│ Value: aws │
│ - Key: gc-managed-by │
│ Value: grucloud │
│ - Key: gc-project-name │
│ Value: @grucloud/example-aws-ec2 │
│ - Key: gc-stage │
│ Value: dev │
│ - Key: Name │
│ Value: eip │
│ PublicIpv4Pool: amazon │
│ NetworkBorderGroup: us-east-1 │
│ │

List Summary:
Provider: aws
│ aws │
│ EC2::ElasticIpAddress │ eip │
1 resource, 1 type, 1 provider
Command "gc list -t ElasticIpAddress" executed in 6s, 164 MB