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Manages an SNS Topic.

Sample code

exports.createResources = () => [
type: "Topic",
group: "SNS",
name: "MySnsTopic",
properties: ({ config }) => ({
Attributes: {
Policy: {
Version: "2008-10-17",
Id: "__default_policy_ID",
Statement: [
Sid: "__default_statement_ID",
Effect: "Allow",
Principal: {
AWS: "*",
Action: [
Resource: `arn:aws:sns:${
Condition: {
StringEquals: {
"AWS:SourceOwner": `${config.accountId()}`,
DisplayName: "",
DeliveryPolicy: {
http: {
defaultHealthyRetryPolicy: {
minDelayTarget: 20,
maxDelayTarget: 20,
numRetries: 3,
numMaxDelayRetries: 0,
numNoDelayRetries: 0,
numMinDelayRetries: 0,
backoffFunction: "linear",
disableSubscriptionOverrides: false,



Used By

Full Examples


The topics can be filtered with the Topic type:

gc l -t Topic
Listing resources on 1 provider: aws
✓ aws us-east-1
✓ Initialising
✓ Listing 1/1
│ 1 SNS::Topic from aws │
│ name: my-topic │
│ managedByUs: Yes │
│ live: │
│ Attributes: │
│ Policy: │
│ Version: 2008-10-17 │
│ Id: __default_policy_ID │
│ Statement: │
│ - Sid: __default_statement_ID │
│ Effect: Allow │
│ Principal: │
│ AWS: * │
│ Action: │
│ - "SNS:GetTopicAttributes" │
│ - "SNS:SetTopicAttributes" │
│ - "SNS:AddPermission" │
│ - "SNS:RemovePermission" │
│ - "SNS:DeleteTopic" │
│ - "SNS:Subscribe" │
│ - "SNS:ListSubscriptionsByTopic" │
│ - "SNS:Publish" │
│ Resource: arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:840541460064:my-topic │
│ Condition: │
│ StringEquals: │
│ AWS:SourceOwner: 840541460064 │
│ Owner: 840541460064 │
│ SubscriptionsPending: 0 │
│ TopicArn: arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:840541460064:my-topic │
│ SubscriptionsConfirmed: 0 │
│ DisplayName: My Topic │
│ DeliveryPolicy: │
│ http: │
│ defaultHealthyRetryPolicy: │
│ minDelayTarget: 20 │
│ maxDelayTarget: 20 │
│ numRetries: 3 │
│ numMaxDelayRetries: 0 │
│ numNoDelayRetries: 0 │
│ numMinDelayRetries: 0 │
│ backoffFunction: linear │
│ disableSubscriptionOverrides: false │
│ SubscriptionsDeleted: 0 │
│ Tags: │
│ - Key: gc-created-by-provider │
│ Value: aws │
│ - Key: gc-managed-by │
│ Value: grucloud │
│ - Key: gc-project-name │
│ Value: sns-simple │
│ - Key: gc-stage │
│ Value: dev │
│ - Key: mykey │
│ Value: myvalue │
│ - Key: Name │
│ Value: my-topic │
│ │

List Summary:
Provider: aws
│ aws │
│ SNS::Topic │ my-topic │
1 resource, 1 type, 1 provider
Command "gc l -t Topic" executed in 6s, 116 MB