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AutoScaling Group

Manages an AWS Auto Scaling group.

Sample code

Create an AutoScaling Group given 2 subnets and a launch template:

exports.createResources = () => [
type: "AutoScalingGroup",
group: "AutoScaling",
name: "asg-ng-1",
properties: ({}) => ({
MinSize: 1,
MaxSize: 1,
DesiredCapacity: 1,
HealthCheckGracePeriod: 15,
dependencies: () => ({
subnets: ["SubnetPublicUSEAST1D", "SubnetPublicUSEAST1F"],
launchTemplate: "lt-ec2-micro",



Used By

Full Examples


The auto-scaling groups can be filtered with the AutoScalingGroup type:

gc l -t AutoScalingGroup
Listing resources on 1 provider: aws
✓ aws
✓ Initialising
✓ Listing 18/18
│ 1 autoscaling::AutoScalingGroup from aws │
│ name: asg │
│ managedByUs: Yes │
│ live: │
│ AutoScalingGroupName: asg │
│ AutoScalingGroupARN: arn:aws:autoscaling:eu-west-2:84054146… │
│ LaunchTemplate: │
│ LaunchTemplateId: lt-0753d0ca24696f478 │
│ LaunchTemplateName: lt-ec2-micro │
│ MinSize: 1 │
│ MaxSize: 1 │
│ DesiredCapacity: 1 │
│ DefaultCooldown: 300 │
│ AvailabilityZones: │
│ - "eu-west-2a" │
│ - "eu-west-2b" │
│ LoadBalancerNames: [] │
│ TargetGroupARNs: [] │
│ HealthCheckType: EC2 │
│ HealthCheckGracePeriod: 300 │
│ Instances: │
│ - InstanceId: i-02e65188be5a2caa9 │
│ InstanceType: t2.micro │
│ AvailabilityZone: eu-west-2b │
│ LifecycleState: Pending │
│ HealthStatus: Healthy │
│ LaunchTemplate: │
│ LaunchTemplateId: lt-0753d0ca24696f478 │
│ LaunchTemplateName: lt-ec2-micro │
│ Version: 1 │
│ ProtectedFromScaleIn: false │
│ CreatedTime: 2021-08-27T17:17:37.549Z │
│ SuspendedProcesses: [] │
│ VPCZoneIdentifier: subnet-0904117fc234a5151,subnet-0e2c4739… │
│ EnabledMetrics: [] │
│ Tags: │
│ - ResourceId: asg │
│ ResourceType: auto-scaling-group │
│ Key: gc-created-by-provider │
│ Value: aws │
│ PropagateAtLaunch: true │
│ - ResourceId: asg │
│ ResourceType: auto-scaling-group │
│ Key: gc-managed-by │
│ Value: grucloud │
│ PropagateAtLaunch: true │
│ - ResourceId: asg │
│ ResourceType: auto-scaling-group │
│ Key: gc-project-name │
│ Value: example-grucloud-autoscaling-group │
│ PropagateAtLaunch: true │
│ - ResourceId: asg │
│ ResourceType: auto-scaling-group │
│ Key: gc-stage │
│ Value: dev │
│ PropagateAtLaunch: true │
│ - ResourceId: asg │
│ ResourceType: auto-scaling-group │
│ Key: Name │
│ Value: asg │
│ PropagateAtLaunch: true │
│ TerminationPolicies: │
│ - "Default" │
│ NewInstancesProtectedFromScaleIn: false │
│ ServiceLinkedRoleARN: arn:aws:iam::840541460064:role/aws-se… │
│ │

List Summary:
Provider: aws
│ aws │
│ autoscaling::AutoScalingGroup │ asg │