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Manages an API Gateway RestAPI.

Sample code

exports.createResources = () => [
type: "RestApi",
group: "APIGateway",
properties: ({}) => ({
name: "PetStore",
apiKeySource: "HEADER",
endpointConfiguration: {
types: ["REGIONAL"],
schemaFile: "PetStore.oas30.json",
deployment: {
stageName: "dev",


The property schemaFile specifies the Swagger 2.0 or OpenAPI 3.0 api specification.

Every time a new schema is modified and updated, a new deployment is created with property deployment

The remaining input properties:


Used By

Full Examples


The RestApis can be filtered with the RestApi type:

gc l -t RestApi
Listing resources on 1 provider: aws
✓ aws
✓ Initialising
✓ Listing 1/1
│ 1 APIGateway::RestApi from aws │
│ name: PetStore │
│ managedByUs: Yes │
│ live: │
│ id: j55ho2k105 │
│ name: PetStore │
│ description: Your first API with Amazon API Gateway. This is a sample API that integrates via HTTP with ou… │
│ createdDate: 2021-10-08T19:43:13.000Z │
│ apiKeySource: HEADER │
│ endpointConfiguration: │
│ types: │
│ - "REGIONAL" │
│ tags: │
│ Name: PetStore │
│ gc-created-by-provider: aws │
│ gc-managed-by: grucloud │
│ gc-project-name: @grucloud/example-aws-api-gateway-restapi-lambda │
│ gc-stage: dev │
│ disableExecuteApiEndpoint: false │
│ deployments: │
│ - id: msuo33 │
│ createdDate: 2021-10-08T19:43:18.000Z │
│ schema: │
│ openapi: 3.0.1 │
│ info: │
│ description: Your first API with Amazon API Gateway. This is a sample API that integrates via HTTP wit… │
│ title: PetStore │
│ paths: │
│ /: │
│ get: │
│ responses: │
│ 200: │
│ description: 200 response │
│ headers: │
│ Content-Type: │
│ type: string │
│ x-amazon-apigateway-integration: │
│ type: MOCK │
│ requestTemplates: │
│ application/json: {"statusCode": 200} │
│ passthroughBehavior: WHEN_NO_MATCH │
│ responses: │
│ default: │
│ statusCode: 200 │
│ responseParameters: │
│ method.response.header.Content-Type: 'text/html' │
│ responseTemplates: │
│ text/html: <html> │
│ <head> │
│ <style> │
│ body { │
│ color: #333; │
│ font-family: Sans-serif; │
│ max-width: 800px; │
│ margin: auto; │
│ } │
│ </style> │
│ </head> │
│ <body> │
│ <h1>Welcome to your Pet Store API</h1> │
│ <p> │
│ You have successfully deployed your first API. You are seeing this HTML page because the <code>G… │
│ </p> │
│ <p> │
│ The Pet Store API contains the <code>/pets</code> and <code>/pets/{petId}</code> resources. By m… │
│ </p> │
│ <p> │
│ You can use a REST client such as <a href="" target="_blank">Postman<… │
│ </p> │
│ <pre> │
│ { │
│ "type" : "cat", │
│ "price" : 123.11 │
│ } │
│ </pre> │
│ </body> │
│ </html> │
│ /pets: │
│ get: │
│ parameters: │
│ - name: page │
│ in: query │
│ required: true │
│ schema: │
│ type: string │
│ - name: type │
│ in: query │
│ required: true │
│ schema: │
│ type: string │
│ responses: │
│ 200: │
│ description: 200 response │
│ headers: │
│ Access-Control-Allow-Origin: │
│ type: string │
│ content: │
│ application/json: │
│ schema: │
│ $ref: #/components/schema/Pets │
│ x-amazon-apigateway-integration: │
│ type: HTTP │
│ httpMethod: GET │
│ uri: │
│ requestParameters: │
│ │
│ integration.request.querystring.type: method.request.querystring.type │
│ passthroughBehavior: WHEN_NO_MATCH │
│ responses: │
│ default: │
│ statusCode: 200 │
│ responseParameters: │
│ method.response.header.Access-Control-Allow-Origin: '*' │
│ options: │
│ responses: │
│ 200: │
│ description: 200 response │
│ headers: │
│ Access-Control-Allow-Headers: │
│ type: string │
│ Access-Control-Allow-Methods: │
│ type: string │
│ Access-Control-Allow-Origin: │
│ type: string │
│ content: │
│ application/json: │
│ schema: │
│ $ref: #/components/schema/Empty │
│ x-amazon-apigateway-integration: │
│ type: MOCK │
│ requestTemplates: │
│ application/json: {"statusCode": 200} │
│ passthroughBehavior: WHEN_NO_MATCH │
│ responses: │
│ default: │
│ statusCode: 200 │
│ responseParameters: │
│ method.response.header.Access-Control-Allow-Headers: 'Content-Type,X-Amz-Date,Authorizatio… │
│ method.response.header.Access-Control-Allow-Methods: 'POST,GET,OPTIONS' │
│ method.response.header.Access-Control-Allow-Origin: '*' │
│ post: │
│ operationId: CreatePet │
│ requestBody: │
│ content: │
│ application/json: │
│ schema: │
│ $ref: #/components/schemas/NewPet │
│ required: true │
│ responses: │
│ 200: │
│ description: 200 response │
│ headers: │
│ Access-Control-Allow-Origin: │
│ type: string │
│ content: │
│ application/json: │
│ schema: │
│ $ref: #/components/schema/NewPetResponse │
│ x-amazon-apigateway-integration: │
│ type: HTTP │
│ httpMethod: POST │
│ uri: │
│ passthroughBehavior: WHEN_NO_MATCH │
│ responses: │
│ default: │
│ statusCode: 200 │
│ responseParameters: │
│ method.response.header.Access-Control-Allow-Origin: '*' │
│ /pets/{petId}: │
│ get: │
│ operationId: GetPet │
│ parameters: │
│ - name: petId │
│ in: path │
│ required: true │
│ schema: │
│ type: string │
│ responses: │
│ 200: │
│ description: 200 response │
│ headers: │
│ Access-Control-Allow-Origin: │
│ type: string │
│ content: │
│ application/json: │
│ schema: │
│ $ref: #/components/schema/Pet │
│ x-amazon-apigateway-integration: │
│ type: HTTP │
│ httpMethod: GET │
│ uri:{petId} │
│ requestParameters: │
│ integration.request.path.petId: method.request.path.petId │
│ passthroughBehavior: WHEN_NO_MATCH │
│ responses: │
│ default: │
│ statusCode: 200 │
│ responseParameters: │
│ method.response.header.Access-Control-Allow-Origin: '*' │
│ options: │
│ parameters: │
│ - name: petId │
│ in: path │
│ required: true │
│ type: string │
│ responses: │
│ 200: │
│ description: 200 response │
│ headers: │
│ Access-Control-Allow-Headers: │
│ type: string │
│ Access-Control-Allow-Methods: │
│ type: string │
│ Access-Control-Allow-Origin: │
│ type: string │
│ content: │
│ application/json: │
│ schema: │
│ $ref: #/components/schema/Empty │
│ x-amazon-apigateway-integration: │
│ type: MOCK │
│ requestTemplates: │
│ application/json: {"statusCode": 200} │
│ passthroughBehavior: WHEN_NO_MATCH │
│ responses: │
│ default: │
│ statusCode: 200 │
│ responseParameters: │
│ method.response.header.Access-Control-Allow-Headers: 'Content-Type,X-Amz-Date,Authorizatio… │
│ method.response.header.Access-Control-Allow-Methods: 'GET,OPTIONS' │
│ method.response.header.Access-Control-Allow-Origin: '*' │
│ components: │
│ schemas: │
│ Empty: │
│ type: object │
│ NewPet: │
│ type: object │
│ properties: │
│ type: │
│ $ref: #/components/PetType │
│ price: │
│ type: number │
│ NewPetResponse: │
│ type: object │
│ properties: │
│ pet: │
│ $ref: #/components/Pet │
│ message: │
│ type: string │
│ Pet: │
│ type: object │
│ properties: │
│ id: │
│ type: integer │
│ type: │
│ type: string │
│ price: │
│ type: number │
│ Pets: │
│ type: array │
│ items: │
│ $ref: #/components/Pet │
│ PetType: │
│ type: string │
│ enum: │
│ - "dog" │
│ - "cat" │
│ - "fish" │
│ - "bird" │
│ - "gecko" │
│ │

List Summary:
Provider: aws
│ aws │
│ APIGateway::RestApi │ PetStore │
1 resource, 1 type, 1 provider