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The plan commands finds out which resources need to be deployed or destroyed. It interrogates the cloud service provider to retrieve the currently deployed resources and compare it to the desired state.

gc plan
Query Plan for mock
✓ mock::Ip::myip
✓ mock::Volume::volume1
✓ mock::SecurityGroup::sg
✓ mock::Server::web-server
│ 1 Ip from mock │
│ Name │ Action │ Data │
│ myip │ CREATE │ name: myip │
│ │ │ tags: │
│ │ │ - "myipManagedByGru" │
│ │ │ │

│ 1 Volume from mock │
│ Name │ Action │ Data │
│ volume1 │ CREATE │ name: volume1 │
│ │ │ tags: │
│ │ │ - "volume1ManagedByGru" │
│ │ │ size: 20000000000 │
│ │ │ │

│ 1 SecurityGroup from mock │
│ Name │ Action │ Data │
│ sg │ CREATE │ name: sg │
│ │ │ tags: │
│ │ │ - "sgManagedByGru" │
│ │ │ securityRules: │
│ │ │ - name: SSH │
│ │ │ properties: │
│ │ │ access: Allow │
│ │ │ direction: Inbound │
│ │ │ protocol: Tcp │
│ │ │ destinationPortRange: 22 │
│ │ │ destinationAddressPrefix: * │
│ │ │ sourcePortRange: * │
│ │ │ sourceAddressPrefix: * │
│ │ │ priority: 1000 │
│ │ │ │

│ 1 Server from mock │
│ Name │ Action │ Data │
│ web-server │ CREATE │ name: web-server │
│ │ │ zone: projects/undefined/zones/undefined │
│ │ │ machineType: projects/undefined/zones/undefined/machineTypes/f1-micro │
│ │ │ tags: │
│ │ │ items: │
│ │ │ - "web-serverManagedByGru" │
│ │ │ disks: │
│ │ │ - deviceName: web-serverManagedByGru │
│ │ │ initializeParams: │
│ │ │ sourceImage: projects/debian-cloud/global/images/debian-9-stretch-v2020… │
│ │ │ diskType: projects/undefined/zones/undefined/diskTypes/pd-standard │
│ │ │ diskSizeGb: 20 │
│ │ │ networkInterfaces: │
│ │ │ - subnetwork: projects/undefined/regions/undefined/subnetworks/default │
│ │ │ accessConfigs: │
│ │ │ - natIP: << address of myip not available yet >> │
│ │ │ │

Plan Summary:
Provider: mock
+ Ip::myip
+ Volume::volume1
+ SecurityGroup::sg
+ Server::web-server

4 resources to deploy on 1 provider
Command "gc plan" executed in 1s