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Generate Code

The gencode commands generates the code from the live infrastructure.

Command Options

gc help gencode
Usage: gc gencode|c [options]

Generate infrastruture code from deployed resources

-t, --types <value> Include by type, multiple values allowed
--group <value> Include by group, multiple values allowed
-e, --types-exclude <value> Exclude by type, multiple values allowed
--resource-group <value> Azure only: Filter by resource groups, multiple values
--inventory <file> resources inventory (default: "artifacts/inventory.json")
--no-inventory-fetch do not fetch the inventory
download download the assets, i.e S3 Object
-o, --outputDir <file> output directory (default: "")
--outputFile <file> output filename (default: "resources")
--outputEnv <file> default.env environment variables (default:
-m, --mapping <file> mapping file (default: "mapping.json")
--no-prompt no prompt for saving
-p, --provider <value> Filter by provider, multiple values allowed
-h, --help display help for command