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Provides a WebAppMSDeployStatus from the Web group



Swagger Schema

description: 'MSDeploy ARM PUT information',
type: 'object',
allOf: [
description: 'Azure proxy only resource. This resource is not tracked by Azure Resource Manager.',
type: 'object',
properties: {
id: { description: 'Resource Id.', type: 'string', readOnly: true },
name: {
description: 'Resource Name.',
type: 'string',
readOnly: true
kind: { description: 'Kind of resource.', type: 'string' },
type: {
description: 'Resource type.',
type: 'string',
readOnly: true
'x-ms-azure-resource': true
properties: {
properties: {
description: 'Core resource properties',
type: 'object',
properties: {
addOnPackages: {
description: 'List of Add-On packages. Add-On packages implicitly enable the Do Not Delete MSDeploy rule.',
type: 'array',
items: {
description: 'MSDeploy ARM PUT core information',
type: 'object',
properties: {
packageUri: { description: 'Package URI', type: 'string' },
connectionString: { description: 'SQL Connection String', type: 'string' },
dbType: { description: 'Database Type', type: 'string' },
setParametersXmlFileUri: {
description: 'URI of MSDeploy Parameters file. Must not be set if SetParameters is used.',
type: 'string'
setParameters: {
description: 'MSDeploy Parameters. Must not be set if SetParametersXmlFileUri is used.',
type: 'object',
additionalProperties: { type: 'string' }
skipAppData: {
description: 'Controls whether the MSDeploy operation skips the App_Data directory.\n' +
'If set to <code>true</code>, the existing App_Data directory on the destination\n' +
'will not be deleted, and any App_Data directory in the source will be ignored.\n' +
'Setting is <code>false</code> by default.',
type: 'boolean'
appOffline: {
description: 'Sets the AppOffline rule while the MSDeploy operation executes.\n' +
'Setting is <code>false</code> by default.',
type: 'boolean'
'x-ms-identifiers': [ 'packageUri' ]
'x-ms-client-flatten': true


The resource version is 2022-03-01.

The Swagger schema used to generate this documentation can be found here.